Main Page

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Welcome Message

Hello! This is the homepage of the High Performance Geo-Computing (HPGC) research group in Tsinghua University. Here, we accumulate all kinds of information that may interest you, and the members of the group, :).

The name describes the major focus of the group, which is to motivate the interaction between HPC and geoscience. The goal is to bridge the gap between the grand challenges in earth science, and the emerging computing methods and hardware platforms.

In one way, better supercomputing technologies would lead to better solutions or even scientific breakthroughs; and in the other way, science improvements would also guide the development of future supercomputing technologies. Moreover, the interaction between these two, I believe, would lead to successful synergy of methods, data sets, perspectives, and ideas.

We currently have 1 professor, 2 postdocs, and 9 PhD students. We are constantly looking for new talents to join the group as students or postdocs.

Group Members

Research Highlights

Extreme-Scale Earthquake Simulation

Simulation of Tangshan Earthquake, 2017, Gordon Bell Prize